Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vente Depot - Resale shops in St. Remy

As promised I did get to two so far.

Trop Choc at 41 Blvd. Mirabeau (the main street in town) is a small but nice shop for women's clothing and accessories, good labels, appears to be recent timely styles and merchandise, prices very reasonable, well-organized by color and size. Very pleasant experience. I noticed another shop with the same name also in Cavaillon.

Easy Cash - although when I searched it came up as St. Remy but it is really in Plan D'orgon and is quite close to Cavaillon. 66 Route de Lyon near the traffic circle and my favorite farmer's produce stand. Good spot for fill-in pieces of furniture.

We have driven by this spot for years but never ventured in until the other day. A lot of furniture, not always in the best condition but with a little work can be revived. Prices were very good and the owner does have a van so I expect a delivery price can be negotiated. Beautiful side-boards and armoires, and many used books. A real find if we owned a house here.

We will try to get to the other two I found listed before we finish up the trip.

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