Sunday, July 10, 2011

A day of sleeping sickness and food.

Sleeping sickness is what we call a day when we finally let down and relax, do nothing but read, surf the net, sleep and cook. Today's meals included, with a little pre-planning a truffle omelette with potatoes, and veal milanese with couscous and salad. The house smells amazing. All the things not possible in the every day working world, when even on the weekends we are busy appearing purposeful.

One of our conversations of the day was the sensory riot that we experience when we are here, the food, the colors, the smells, and whether we would enjoy it so much if we lived here year-round. Would we notice it, or become immune?

It was a lovely hot day to relax and finally to breath, to finish one book and move on to the next. To contemplate the last few days of touring. We have again concluded that the most important book to understand the are is the Michelin guide for Provence. Although we don't always agree with the restaurant recommendations, the descriptions of the towns and the history contained in the book is invaluable. Sometimes it is hard to remember as we drive and walk that the towns we are visiting have been inhabited by humans for thousands and hundreds of years. That the buildings which now have electricity, internet, and running water and sometimes even air conditioning, may be 400 or 600 years old.

Tonight after dinner we walked the town of St. Remy, got some glace (ice cream) at our favorite spot, and wore out Avril. It was quite lovely in the town, not too hot, and not too crowded, although the restaurants seemed pleasantly full and busy. We are discussing tomorrow, but who knows what it will bring, maybe more sleeping sickness.

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