Since we are here for more than 4 weeks this summer, we tried to travel with all prescriptions filled. Unfortunately two ran short and we ventured into several pharmacies to shop and experience what it was like to fill a prescription here.
As an overall statement, it was surprisingly easy and inexpensive. D. visited the local pharmacy here and also one in Aix to compare costs and meet the other pharmacists. He was very impressed with their professionalism and their knowledge. In the local pharmacies, some are also qualified to dispense for animals as well as people, which makes sense here in the farming area where we see goats, cattle and horses, as well as dogs and cats.
One prescription was for me, for a high-dosage of vitamin D3. At home for four pills, which I take one per week, a generic, I pay about $10 or 2.50 a pill (with insurance). Here, the pharmacist gave us an ampule, a liquid, which you add to water and drink and need to take only once in 90 days. It costs 1.40 euro or about $2.00 (without local insurance). Obviously the French government regulates this heavily including pricing. An area where more government can be a good thing.
I'll be downing it tomorrow and laughing.
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