Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Real estate dreaming and Energy Efficiency Ratings in France

One of my many hobbies when we travel is to get real estate publications and look at houses, apartments, land etc. for pricing and dreaming. From Maine to New Mexico, Manhattan and Provence, to Cote d'azur and Paris, I look at them all. To think per chance to dream. real estate dreaming . . .

This year as we walked the streets of various towns and grabbing the listing circulars, I quickly noticed something different - energy ratings on the properties, captioned in each listing in a color-coded chart. This I wanted to understand since D. and I are all about efficiency and renewable energy.

So, in doing research I quickly happened upon the attached a very well written piece explaining the new law here, which we clearly need in the US. We should absolutely know the efficiency of the home we are purchasing and the carbon footprint we are leaving, just for living in it. The rating is based upon 3 years worth of usage. Very smart to average as we can have hot and cold years as we are seeing this year in particular on both continents.


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