Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nonsensical T-shirts

Something we have noticed for several years now as we wander is people wearing t-shirts that purport to be American, written in English or try to be, but mean nothing and have no relationship to anything American or British.

For example, people wearing t-shirts that say Staten Island. Now, we love New York, including Staten Island, we love a ride on the Staten Island ferry and a good drive through it, but for someone in France to be wearing this, it has no meaning other than its relationship to Manhattan.

Another one is Bayonne. While we know there is a Bayonne in France, there is also a Bayonne, New Jersey. My husband is from right next door in Jersey City, and we eat dinner in Bayonne on occasion and enjoy it, but it is not a garden spot in the Garden State, despite its New York views on the Hudson. So, again, it makes no sense for someone to wear this shirt here. Today's find in the Senas market, was a shirt that said Marshall Academy. Who knows what that is supposed to be. We often see shirts for schools that don't exist, but it sounds good, sounds American so let's slap it on a t-shirt and sell it. It's all good.

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