Sunday, July 31, 2011

Don't supersize me in France

When we were in Apt yesterday having coffee, it really struck us how we were sipping coffee from small demitasse cups as if coffee was a precious gem, rather than the large cups and mugs of coffee we get in the US, the bigger the better, grande and vente, supersize soda, buffets of all you can eat food.

In France, and in other European countries, the houses are so old and small, the streets so narrow, the villages so compact as are the cars Perhaps that is why the perception of size remains so different that the US where bigger is better, and a new McMansion rules the day.

Portion control here is critical, and I watch how people really eat their meals, just sitting with bread until their meal comes, not filling up on it as an appetizer, just a different relationship with their universe, ideas and concepts to model.

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