This is one we have pondered for several years now. We have barbecues with friends, mostly from Germany, and they too are mystified that the briquettes cannot be found here. What we find is a wood charcoal that burns too hot and too fast.
At one point, D. contemplated shipping briquettes from the US until I pointed out that it would probably not pass muster for shipping regulations.
Trolling the internet for answers has turned up little, only the history of charcoal and the realization that there is little coal in charcoal. It appears that the demand for this item seems more prevalent in Northern France than Southern, and that the demand is growing, but still not available here in Provence.
The mystery continues because I still have not found the answer to why? But as relentless research is my stock and trade, we will plod on until we find the answer.
In the Paris area you can finally find some but they are still rare - briquettes de charbon de bois. It seems when in doubt that they measure the briquettes in weight and the French charcoal in liters... They can be ordered through Castorama, rue de Commerce and other chains in the summer months but check the shipping costs. It would be cheaper to get from Paris than the US though;)
Thank you for the information. When we are back in Provence we will see about ordering from Castorama and will post about costs, time, etc.
Please see post from 7/5/2012 where we did find charcoal at Castorama - mystery solved.!! Thanks to you kind reader for your invaluable help.
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