Saturday, August 6, 2011

Markets in Paris, Sheraton CDG

As we head out of Provence and sadly ending our trip, we are heading to Paris for two days, staying at the Sheraton CDG as Starwood was making a special offer as they usually do this time of year. That's the building at the airport that looks like a ship. Easy in and out of the terminal, with the Paul Bakery right out the door, very good service in the hotel including the Club Room, good bedding, clean and soundproof.

We will have all day in Sunday to spend. Paris is not quite as dog friendly as Provence so in looking for parks to walk in and places to go, we have determined that the Tuileries Gardens are one of the few parks in Paris that allow dogs.

Also, we have walked numerous markets in Paris including the organic foods market on Sunday morning, so we will likely get a Starbucks and head there (I can smell the coffee brewing already).

I did find an excellent listing of all the Paris markets. Here is the link:

Bon chance.

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