Friday, August 26, 2011

Black-belt shopping Jersey style

So I've been waiting for the sale to start at the Bass shoe outlet in Secaucus, rather than spending money this year on refurbishing books, I would invest in new. I also needed to replace the clogs that came apart last year. We became excited when we got the mail announcing the sale, and providing a 20% off coupon for whatever we bought on top of the buy 1 get two free, and the two $10 off coupons I already had. Off we went on another shoe hunt, finding clearance items including two pairs of sandals I liked this summer but could not find in my size but now were, and they are now on clearance for $20.00. So, I came out with boots for the winter as did D., and also found three very nice cord skirts in basic colors. As with all Bass items, well made, basic styles, and comfortable.

When we pulled in to the parking lot we noticed the sign advising we could text and get another $5.00 coupon. By the time we were done, we spent $373, with average price of items purchased $26.00, saving more than $1000. It was crazy. Definitely required me to clean out more shoes and clothes and let go of unneeded and unworn stuff. More for ebay and consignment. What fun.

We also ventured into the Pierre Deux outlet which, like the Millburn store, is still overpriced, even with the sale prices and efforts to liquidate. We definitely could see why the store has gone under.

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