Thursday, August 6, 2009

The rain in Spain is Mainly in the Plain

I don't know why that phrase is in my mind, must be the rain, and constant threat of rain we have had since returning from Provence. We were contemplating going to Martha's Vineyard for a few days next week, but the weather forecasts for wherever we could drive have been horrible, rain, rain, and more rain. (we were hoping to travel before the Clintons and Obamas descend on the island and it becomes too crowded and impassible). We looked at weather in the Hamptons, and Delaware, and Rhode Island, the Berkshires, and everywhere was rain. Thus, we are left with the dilemma we face each year before we travel, at least if we put forth the effort to travel to France, we know we will have days and days of sunshine and beauty. We know if we had the time and money to return right now we would.

Similarly, if we were to travel to Spain, we would have similar weather, particularly in Madrid and south. So, like in "My Fair Lady" the rain in Spain is mainly in the Plain, or the rain in New Jersey is everywhere, everyday, endless and unending.

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