Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's not France part 2

Sunday we spent the day in Princeton, had lunch sitting outside on a terrace, walked the Princeton University campus, and drove through some of the residential areas. S. was attending a program there for three weeks and this was parents visiting day.

D. and I often discuss what communities in the US are most European. Boston has elements of it because it is old by American standard, San Francisco, Washington D.C. and certainly Princeton. It is a beautiful community with many old, elegant homes, some quite palatial, including the governor's mansion (Drumthwacket) as well as the former governor's mansion (Morven). Although it is missing a tradition European town square, it does have a very attractive main street, Nassau Street, along with the university campus which is beautifully maintained.

Another thought on "Julie and Julia", made me think of some favorite food movies, "Babette's Feast", "Blood and Chocolate," "Chocolate," and of course another film with Stanley Tucci - "Big Night," the last being the only American film in the grouping. Probably top of the list is "Babette's Feast" which is a really enchanting picture, involving lost love, lost opportunities in life, and how memories can be revived amid incredible food.

Also attaching a very good article about saving money when exchanging currency on international travel.

Another interesting article about the current Mayor of Paris and his plan to bring electric cars to Paris, similar to zip-cars and the Parisian bicycle lending program.

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