Friday, August 21, 2009

French facts

Here is a link to article about wealth and work around the world. Not surprising, the French work the least.

Went recently to a favorite store White Toque in the outlet district in Secaucus. White Toque is a French restaurant supply outlet, with a store and mail-order for non-professionals. In the store, we usually buy frozen sliced mushrooms, vinegars, prepared deserts, frozen spices like chopped shallots and basic, quiche, and so many other prepared foods. It is always a fun expedition.

One of the give-aways was something new - Hot Guide 2009 - French Culture New York for July to December. It contains listings of French bakeries, restaurants, clubs, and other services catering to French expats and internationals in NYC. Website

Bon appetit and don't work too hard.

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