Saturday, August 8, 2009

it isn't france but . . . .

So this afternoon D. and I spent a few minutes in our local farmer's market. It wasn't France but it was pretty with fresh produce and sunflowers.

Then this evening we did go to see "Julie and Julia" which was charming and fun, a tour de force for Meryl Streep and Amy Adams, especially when considering them both as such different characters in "Doubt". To see some French scenes and contemplate French food, I hope to be inspired to do more cooking this year, since I had recently acquired via Ebay, copies of Julia Child's Vol. I and II of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." One can forget that Julia Child has such joie de vivre, a beautiful energy for life and food. It is easy to lose joy when we get bogged down in our daily grind of survival.

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