Saturday, December 22, 2012


As always this time of year, we can look back and review the last twelve months and my family and I have been through so much. As always, working hard to pay bills so we can afford to travel and experienced the world. But this year was especially difficult, since June, fighting my way to recover from major surgery and cancer treatment, and the effects it has had on my husband and son, clients, and friends. It is an experience that makes one grateful for everything and nothing all at the same time. Arriving here in Provence I feel tremendous joy to be here, and experience a different season in Provence, to add a little something to our lives which we all need so much after the trials we have shared until now. The sky today, although a little overcast, was still beautiful, colorful, but softer, the scenery lovely and green, although not as lush as the summer, and even more peaceful and serene without the hustle of push of summer tourism. The style is not unlike New York, sweaters, jeans, boots, much black clothing, but for most people always a scarf with style. The food is already noticeably more seasonal, without the same fresh fruit and produce we enjoy all summer. Clearly, not shipping in fruit from around the world, just eating what is produced more locally and seasonally. Many seasonal treats related to the holidays, be it nougat, dried fruit, special breads and desserts including bouche noel (which we will be enjoying for tonight's dessert), and so much more. We are so fortunate to be here and to share this experience with all of you readers!!

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