Friday, December 28, 2012

A more peaceful Provence - fairly tale in Aix

Taking in our trip as it nears the end and we will make our way to Paris on Sunday to spend New Year's eve at a favorite restaurant there. It is much more peaceful here now then in the summer, when it is buzzing with tourists and vacation home owners. It is rare to hear English or other languages, and at night it seems darker on the roads as there are many fewer cars. D.'s car karma is definitely i
mproved without as much traffic, and the country roads are truly that, without other cars pushing us along. The sky last night was so beautiful as clouds cleared and stars came out. We have noticed each town and village we drive through has its own style of decorations, each lovely and charming. The most special has to be in Aix. Last night we were invited to a party in the town center. As we approached the roundabout at Cours Mirabeau, the lights were everywhere, but not in a overwhelming sense, more like something from a Hollywood set, but not even a Hollywood set designer could have made it more beautiful, with a full moon overhead. It was a picture out of a fairy tale, and we felt so fortunate to be her
e and be in that picture. We could not be luckier, especially after the last seven months.

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