Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day old bread sold in France? Quelle horreur!!

The French are notoriously frugal, but not usually when it comes to food. They want fresh everything and that is clear when in France. For example right now in December, they are not shipping in fruit and vegetables from all over the world, like the US where every type of fruit and vegetable seems to be available now year round, just at higher prices. What is for sale is locally grown, although some items will come in from Italy and Spain - so fairly local by European standards. So, for someone to create a business from day-old baguettes is a huge step in French culture - to not throw it out? So, check out this article: For me, I try to re-purpose our leftovers from extra croissant into croissant french toast (or pan perdu) and taking baguettes, leaving them out for a day or two then using the blender to make fresh bread crumbs (haven't been able to buy bread crumbs here like in the US), trying to make meals from leftovers and so on. Same things I do at home, just better ingredients here.

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