Monday, July 9, 2012

An abbreviated journey

Since we could only be here for just over two weeks, and we were setting up a new house, me recuperating from surgery, trying to relax all at the same time, it truly forced us to consider what we really want to do each day. Where to go? What matters, since we can't get in our rhythm of the summer. So much that we will miss since there is something to do every day if you wish to do it. So, a must was a visit to Isles sur la Sorgue for the Sunday market, early, to find my dressing table which I have used every day since. No Wednesday is complete without a visit to the St. Remy market, be it to get cheese at my favorite vendor, to the spice vendor for gifts to bring home, to say hello to my scarf lady, Kim, or just to wander and watch the crowds and the dogs. My favorite last week was a woman on her scooter, riding along with her husband strolling behind her and her dog sitting comfortable on her lab surveying the other dogs below. Friday's market in Eygalieres, to find a truffle for cooking, to buy La Fabresse oil (again the winner for 2012) and to get Paella for lunch which was wonderful. We had always passed by the Paella vendor and watched the locals line up for his food. This year we promised ourselves we would join the crowd and we did. The food was fresh and tasty. Although we can eat Paella in Newark in the Iron Bound, this was far superior. A trip to Aix was also a must, to hit Monoprix for the sale, finding housewares for our new home, and clothing, gifts, Target for France. Last night, an ice cream for dinner at our favorite spot in St. Remy, complete with driving our very own blue Citroen 2CV, a car that brings smiles and waves from the French as well as the tourists, and which friends have nicknamed the "blue beast." It is simple, yet charming and has its own personality, similar to D. just wants to go at his own pace, letting others pass him by if necessary, without notice as he chugs his way to find the bread for this year's bread quest, or just wants to meander to nowhere. A few more days left and a few restaurants to eat in, a little more shopping and walking, then our early return home. But we will return in December for Noel.

1 comment:

mars said...

Love the carousel picture....carousels have a special way about them...peaceful, bright, and tender...yet one still has to be careful not to fall off!
Dressing table sounds wonderful...and glad the paella was finally brought home.