Thursday, July 5, 2012

Yes, we have charcoal briquettes in France!

Thanks to a valued reader and comment from last summer, D. did expand his shopping repertoire to include Castorama in Avignon where, magically, he was able to purchase real, authentic charcoal briquettes. So, our first barbecue took place this evening in Provence, a day late as it was not July 4, but still lovely. Had some shrimp on the barbie along with sausage and steaks, homemade caponata (a tapenade), salad, and our favorite bread and goat cheese with fig for dessert. Perfection. And once again, we agreed, that we will no longer search to replicate that perfection in New York or New Jersey. While we can find good, we can't find perfect. And with me ill and our energies limited, we will spend our time and energy returning yet again to where we know perfection is available down the Napoleonic road, through the trees, and around the bend, into le reve.

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