Tuesday, March 27, 2012

In France Medicine is Not A Business

In America anyone can write a diet book, including doctors. There can be no basis in fact or science, no studies to support whether the diet works, under what conditions, for how long, etc. In France, they actually expect a diet doctor to follow the rules, follow science and the ethical considerations in being a doctor, including not practicing medicine as a business. Wow, now that is novel. In America, isn't every doctor running a business? Every lawyer? We work at balancing ethics and doing what is right for the client or patient, and still earning a living to support our families. What if we were freed, paid a salary, and just practice our profession the right way. That is how medicine is practiced in France.

So, here we have the French diet doctor, Pierre Dukan, hawking his wares - his latest book, about high protein diets and the French medical society is accusing him of practicing medicine as a business, and not following science.


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