Monday, March 12, 2012

American-style politics in France - with distinction.

French politics has gone a new direction in this presidential cycle, American-style but with distinctions, not necessarily the higher ground, but with differences that matter.

So, Sarkozy, afraid he will lose to Hollande in a run-off has begun to target supports of Marie Le Pin and the Nationalists by pandering to their fears (not unlike many here in the USA). He is threatening to pull France from participation in certain aspects of the EU which favor immigration because he claims there are too many illegal immigrants in France, and discussing removing Halal meat from school cafeterias. In America this would be pandering to the conservative base. At the same time, he is also calling for a law similar to the Made in the USA labels we have here which would say made in the EU, requiring government contracts to go to local vendors. If he can't achieve that goal, he asserts that he will seek a Made in France law. In the US, that would be seen as quite protectionist and more progressive, which would make the alleged "free market" conservatives howl, except for the special tax breaks given their large donors.

Sarkozy is also pulling out the celebrity supporters to campaign for him at American-style rallies. Can't wait to see how this turns out, even before the endless campaign of 2012 finishes here in the US.

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