Sunday, January 8, 2012

rever de la provence - dreaming of provence

When we return home at the end of each summer, Provence is behind us and the experiences of the summer carry us through several months. We remember the light, the food, the sensibility of Provence and France as we end the year and begin to plan the next. So, we begin January with more planning and dreaming of the next trip. So, D. is currently there making some arrangements for the summer and sending me his usual food photos from the Bistro Varieties in St. Remy, and the horses in the streets, it is still le reve, the dream for us. Maybe it is not for everyone, some don't like to travel or only travel in the US, but for us, the summer begins now in our dreams and plans so each summer is more special than the last. The sunflowers will be ready by the time we land, the markets full, and ready for shopping.

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