Wednesday, January 4, 2012

French Dry Cleaning - Origins are Definitely French

Based upon today's free-association with D. we came up with French dry cleaning as another term to research. Is dry cleaning French? What makes it French? So, with a little research, all dry cleaning originates from the Frenchman Jean Baptiste Jolly, a mid-19h century dye-works owner. He apparently noticed that his tablecloth was cleaner after his maid (yes probably a French maid) spilled kerosene on it. He began to do research on solvents that would achieve cleaning without using water, thus, the term "nettoyage à sec," or "dry cleaning" was born.

We all think of French dry cleaning as something more specialized, with a little more attention to detail, a little extra care. D. and I think of it as some extra tissue paper in the sleeves, perhaps, depending on the cleaner.

Regardless, it is all French.

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