Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Things that Last

D. and I have been discussing this for some time since, as we all know, few things are made these days to last forever, some are French, some American. But when the economy is as it is, what is worth investing in? Do we really need to spend money on something and if so, what do you buy? So, what we've come up with thus far:

1. Louis Vuitton Luggage - almost indestructible, just need to replace the zipper about every 20 years.
2. A Cartier watch - just need to maintain it, clean it, etc. every five years or so.
3. A Lodge cast iron pan - Made in the USA and not expensive- just clean it properly, oil it etc.
4. A Cuisinart Food processor - have had mine for about 30 years. The only thing that needs replacement now is the plastic container.

Will come back to this and add.

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