Monday, October 26, 2009

Lantau Island Part 2

From the Buddha's perch on the hillside, we could also look down on the monastery which was responsible for building and running the site. From there we took another bus into a local fishing village that the tour guide advised us is a dying village, one which will probably not exist in 10 years, since the young people do not want to participate in this hard life, and seek better education and work. We wandered through the village and the markets where dried salted fish is considered a great delicacy and can command large prices, alongside mult-colored buckets of living fish and shellfish, with air pumps powered by car batteries.

Although cats and dogs are rare in the city, at least here they must serve a purpose and we did see both creatures. The guide showed us government-built apartment houses which the village families refuse to move into, instead retaining their independence in their small decrepit homes built on stilts.

More to come with more photos in Part 3.

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