Tuesday, June 11, 2013

wine in a can? so de classe'

A few years ago I wrote about wine with a twist-off cap entering the french market, but now "winestar" is trying for wine in a can, to replicate what is already going on in Japan and Germany. Although I do not drink any alcoholic beverages, this one may be a little de classe' for the French. The company is targeting younger drinkers with a price of 2.50 euro per can. Still, it just doesn't seem French to me, and I can't imagine that it doesn't change the taste of the wine. It certainly does if drinking Perrier from a can, as compared to a glass bottle (the best taste) or a plastic bottle (the worst). Should be interesting to see if this catches on. http://www.france24.com/en/20130610-start-offers-french-quality-canned-wine

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