Tuesday, May 7, 2013

French pessimism

Some studies on French pessimism and the rigidity of the French school system. It is an interesting theory that the problems arise in the school system, but maybe it is just part of being French? To complain, even while having good nationalized health care, pension system, standard of living, a 35 hour work week, mandatory five weeks vacation, and so on. How nice though that working parents can have child care, free, where the children learn every day from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. I had to pay a lot for pre-school so I could work, after care etc. As an American, one can be pessimistic any day we turn on the news, as it is not informative and rather frightening and hostile. Maybe its just human nature to complain. It gives us something to do in between eating, sleeping, but while working. http://news.yahoo.com/maternal-worries-frances-maternelle-schools-205518891.html http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2013/0502/Unhappy-with-your-life-You-might-be-French

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