Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Easter Foods in France

As we begin to prepare for our next journey back to France which will be over Easter, it was time to commence the research. As my son says, all we do is food and markets. So, according to my research the regular markets are still occurring, even in Isles Sur la Sorgue. Monday is a bank and national holiday so it is a long weekend from work, and more celebration food and shopping. Perhaps we'll journey to Cavaillon to see how the market there is on the day after Easter. As always, French food is a center-piece of the holiday with much symbolism from the chocolate decorative eggs, to the chocolate bells, egg dishes, lamb either leg of or stew, and more. Oh, and the April Fish (their version of April fools) http://www.ehow.com/facts_5185789_easter-foods-do-french-eat_.html Another adventure on the way.

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