Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cold Europe

Since I'm hitting the blog with a posting flurry this morning, I thought I would mention that Europe is getting the winter we are missing. It sounds horribly cold and snowy, with snow reaching far south into France near Aix and Marseilles about 2 inches.

I've had email from a friend describing that when it snows in southern France, which is very rare, many people don't even go out. Some don't know how to drive in it. The local government sounds not very prepared to deal with it, since it is so rare. I feel for them, but glad the weather has missed us thus far, other than the Halloween storm. That one was so horrific (no power here at home for a week) that it was enough for the whole winter for us. Especially after getting hit so hart last winter, the Dec. 26 blizzard and so many other storms.

My plants are confused and trying to grow then stopping. Just hinting of spring to come not soon enough, and to return to Provence with a few days in Paris.

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