Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Emily redux

So we are back driving with Emily, the voice of our trusted Garmin GPS, as she takes us through France. She continues to mangle the names of every street, but we safely arrive at our destination without fail.

Yesterday our excursion included Fontvielle, which had some charming restaurants (and we will return to one on Saturday night - le Planet), and an interesting chateau with camping grounds and a very nice public swimming pool; to Mausanne des Alpilles, and via an autoroute did did not know existed, the A54, south to Aix to walk, shop at Lancel and Minelli and have a dinner at Cafe Verdun. The sales were just beginning so today, D. returned again to Aix very early, so as to be present for the opening of the Minelli shoe sale at 8:00 a.m. He came home with 4 pairs of beautiful Italian-made shoes at 40-50% off.

I did not purchase any bags at Lancel this year (yet) because D. had bought me several beautiful bags in Hong Kong on his last trip. But the Lancel designs this year are truly elegant and classic.

In the market this morning in San Remy, I returned once again to the Scottish woman who sells colorful and feminine scarves in the weekly market. Her prices this year are spot-on - 10euro per item, and she is selling one of my favorites, the same bag hooks I buy in Hong Kong and mainland China. The world economy is so truly inter-connected and international in scope now.

Tonight was World Cup soccer with our very disappointed friends from Germany. A German-style barbecue with plenty of grilled to a crisp meat (not for me).

Two days ago it was travel to Pernes Les Fontaines, a nice village with 40 fountains scattered through the town, with a walk along what is now a small stream, but in the spring must be more water filling the channel. Each town here has its own attractions, focal point, and beauty, its own reasons for history and its existence.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring other than more sun and more beauty.

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