Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Gorgeous Gordes

Today's journey was to Gordes, on the hillside looking out over the Louberon plateau, as the Michelin guidebook for Provence describes it, along with stating the the charming film "A good year" starring Russell Crowe, directed by Ridley Scott, was filmed there. What the book fails to describe is the unusual drive into the town, and the spectacular view from the hills into the valley and the farms below. As you begin the climb to the hills, the houses are built from, and with walls from large flat stones, some centuries old, some newer. Walls and walls of stone, lining the road as you climb farther up the hill. As you enter the town it is a beautiful drive catching glimpses of the valley below and the town with the 12c chateau above, dominating the skyline of the town. The town has a square in front of the chateau where the day's market was being held, the typical Provence shops and wares. Some vendors that I have seen in St. Remy for the Wednesday market including a pottery vendor that D. likes for her unusual designs and work.

As we traveled toward Gordes, for the first time on our trip our GPS system went off line, not finding roads for us. So, on the way back we followed the D2, knowing that was a main road and we could follow it back to Cavaillon and find our way from there. We saw a few small but interesting towns on the way down the hill and across the flat plains, stopped at the Musee de Lavendre, and found on the outskirts of Cavaillon a cooperative specializing in "bio" or organic products from local farmers and producers with many excellent products including a soup Pistou which became part of our dinner this evening.

We traveled further into St. Remy to one of our favorite spots, Cafe de Solel for an excellent, well-priced lunch. We tuned in this evening to the MJ memorial and ate dinner inside for the first time since our arrival and worked on planning for the remainder of the trip. So much more to come . . .

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