Friday, June 27, 2014

Chateaurenard's charm

We have been so fortunate over the years to allow chance to guide us in our travels.  We will talk about doing something, going somewhere and finally do it on a day with a parade or fete, or something special to experience, without planning or trying, which always brings an extra delight to the day.  For example, one year we decided to explore a town we had driven by many times, seeing the signage from multiple angles and different towns surrounding it, but never making the turn to head in.  Finally, one day, I was determined to experience their market day.  It was suggested in a guide book description that this was an agricultural based-town and the market would be full of fresh fruit and vegetables.  As we approached we noticed roads blocked off and a different feel than we expected.  We parked and began to follow the crowds, asking local people about the market, and learning that it was a special day, a traditional provencal parade, honoring the local patron saint of the town, St. eloi.  We found a nice cafe on the main street, ordered a coffee and began to watch the people getting ready for the parade.  We sat, we watched, eventually D. walked down the street to get a special box of macarons from what turned out to be wonderful local patisserie and let the morning unfold.  Another unexpected special day in Provence.

Rhythm of France

Whenever anyone is traveling, we all seek the rhythm of the trip, the city, the country.   Are we seeking the rhythm of the waves at the beach, the pulse of the cicadas in Provence, or the hum of conversation at a cafe anywhere in the world listening to different languages with each having its own tone.  Perhaps it is the joy of travel, of new experiences, or rediscovering the familiar, something about the difference from every day living is relaxing and reviving in its own way.  In France, it can be listening to the murmur of different languages heard while sitting in a favorite cafe, realizing that the merging of German's staccato, to the volume of American English, a softer British English, and the smoothness and suaveness of French into its own tone and beauty.

A little town in Northern France

In Brittany each summer is an outdoor photography exhibit in a charming town of La Gacilly, home of Yves Rocher chocolate.  Here is a preview:

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Avignon theater festival - beware the strikes

A favorite every summer is the theater fete in Avignon.  It is wonderful just to wander the streets, see the performers as they try to entice you to their performance each night, plaster every available space in the streets, buildings, poles, lights, with posters advertising their performance.  The energy one can feel is so unusual and special.  This year, the fete runs from July 4 through July 27 but beware.  Labor strikes are plaguing the transport system throughout France as various unions are striking in disputes with the government about proposed changes to their work agreements and pensions, and talk is that for the first time in 30 years it could lead to the fete being canceled.  So, check with your hotel and see what is happening.  The beauty of Provence is that once you are here, you will find plenty to do, or not do and will return home renewed, refreshed, and evolved.

Melon and beauty

Stuck in bed many days surviving chemotherapy, I am bombarded with ads for beauty, weight loss, medical issues, pharmaceuticals, law suits over all of the above.  It is simply endless.  One consistent add is for Dr. Shabaugh's Meaningful Beauty with Cindy Crawford and other celebrities pitching for this melon-based formula.  It looks like a typical American cantaloupe but the advertisements tell us its special and from the Luberon.  But what they are showing is a typical Cavaillon melon, which is a local specialty and has destroyed any desire in me to eat cantaloupe, but I can't say it has done anything for my skin.  Maybe I should buy some Cavaillon melon, stick it in a blender, press, blend, then schmeer it on my skin?  For how long?  Should it have the skin in it?  Just the insides?  Include the seeds?  Perhaps this is the mystery of it.  But for this year, I think I'll pass on it and let Cindy Crawford use it and sell it.

Warming up for the sales?

Review your strategy.  Set your alarm early, cue up, stand, and wait like a runner on the starting line.  Can't say that it requires marathon skills but certainly 5k, with a decided plan of action for whichever stores you are targeting, and some black belt shopping skills for the best deals.  What does your wardrobe need most - shoes, sweaters, slacks?  There are even pre-sales starting for valued customers, but at a lower discount rate, so maybe wait for main sale?  Do you feel lucky?

Get ready and go on Wednesday the 25th.

Apple in France

Yes, the Apple store in Aix is now open, on the circle (or roundabout) across from the famous fountain marking the beginning of the Cours Mirabeau.  It is typical minimalist Apple glass box.  Fabulous as it doesn't block the scenery that surrounds it, and full of university students.

Here is the link to Apple in France stores with an ever-growing presence.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Can we redraw the map?

Imagine New Jersey merged into Pennsylvania?  Rhode Island into Connecticut?  Delaware into Maryland?  History be damned!  that is exactly what France may do if approved by Parliament.  French president Hollande is proposing significant changes to the national map, merging regions to eliminate bureaucracy.  America is, of course, rather different constitutionally, but it is an interesting idea.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Copper thieves hit wind turbines in France

Not that I approve in any way, but have to admit it is creative.  Not anything I would think of, but where there's copper there's money and thieves follow.  Glad they are beefing up security: