Thursday, May 22, 2014

As always, dreaming of France

It was a long hard winter here, and every day felt like the film "ground hog day" the same and never ending, more snow, cold and grey.  The tree that collapse on our property.  When would it end?  Finally we've had a few nicer days and I can wake up and dream again of Provence, add a few articles I've been saving.  Maybe even some photos and thoughts from a past trip.  Can only hope for a few minutes here and there of clarity sufficient to blog in between chemo.

A time capsule in Paris

Wishing I could don a mask and dive into this apartment.  Who would be so eccentric as to pay the rent on this all those years and not tell your family?

Party like a Parisian

I definitely could not perfect this at my age:

How to tie a scarf like a Parisian?

I'm working on it for years:

whoops - now that's embarrassing

hate to think who made the mistake:

the good and the bad

An interesting perspective: