Sunday, August 19, 2012

Possible increase in taxes for French vacation homes

For both those who own properties and rent them out, and for those buying and selling a vacation home, although some EU legal experts say it is against the law as discriminatory to non-French residents. Interesting to see how this one turns out, who challenges it and how the legal process winds through to its conclusion.

Canicule - French heat wave

In the US we had the hottest summer on record, and in France it's not looking much better. 109F in some southern French departments! With heat warnings including in Paris, especially after the heat wave in 2003 where so many people died. The word for heat wave in France is Canicule.

Monday, August 13, 2012

French Riviera Article

Good article for an introduction to the Cote D'Azur hitting the highlights, so if you want glitz, glamour, and have to money and desire to rush to keep up with the "beautiful" people, this is for you:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Cup holder conundrum

It seems to be a very American requirement to have cup holders in our cars for our waters, coffees, and sodas. When traveling in Europe, we realize it is something we truly take for granted in a vehicle sold in America. The only questions would be where are they, how big are they, and what size drinks they could hold comfortably? For me the questions is whether my starbucks carafe for my coffee will fit in it. Jeep yes, Mercedes or Volvo, no. That said, in purchasing cars this year in France, we immediately noticed the difference. While we love our Alfa Romeo Break (wagon), it is a much more stripped down sporty vehicle then we have in the US, and it definitely is lacking cup holders. Naturally, as always, this got me researching the importation of the adorable Fiat, and found that it had to be Americanized for importation, not just for emissions, but including a console with cup holders. The conundrum in France will be can we get used to no cup holders for our water bottles, or do we retrofit? I suspect by next summer we will figure it all out.